Thursday, March 21, 2013

"The Garage" work in progress

Haven't posted stuff in a while as I'm working on a ton of personal stuff and pretty much neck deep.  Here's a more finished segment of one I'm working on but still have to solve some issues with the rest of the image.  And no...I did not work on "Oblivion" :)


Mack said...
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Mack said...

Love the design Eric! What are you using for the renders?

Mack said...

Love the design Eric. What are you using for the renders?

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

Hi, Mack. Thanks for your comment:) The first render was done in Vue 10 with everything being modeled in Sketchup and Modo while the other 2 were done in Keyshot 4.

Mack said...

Thanks for the info. Sorry about the multiple post.

Eric Wilkerson said...

These designs are sick! Looks like a lot of fun. Curious do you do rough sketches first or just freestyle in sketchup until you get some interesting shapes going?

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

No problem, Mack. was checking out your work. awesome stuff, man!

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

Thanks for the comments, Eric! I'm trying to design more before going into the program. I use to not do any sketches beforehand but just freestyle. For this piece, however, everything was designed while being built in Sketchup. No roughs. Are you coming down for Wondercon this weekend, btw?

Eric Wilkerson said...

Man I didn't even know there was a wondercon this weekend LOL. I'm planning on coming out to LA in August. Will you be around then?

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

Oops, lol. I thought maybe you that you're coming down. Just give me a heads up on when you'll be here exactly and we can grab dinner or something.

Mack said...

Thanks for checking out and liking my work! Much appreciated.:)

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

No problem, Mack!

David Graham said...

Dude you work is inspiring, awesome and super creative. How do I get my hands on your auto draw book? I stumbled across it on Parka's blog. Please Let me know where to purchase it.

David Graham said...

Dude you work is inspiring, awesome and super creative. How do I get my hands on your auto draw book? I stumbled across it on Parka's blog. Please Let me know where to purchase it.

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

Thanks, David:) I'm no longer selling Autodraw as I am out of stock. You can still get it here, though, as I believe they have a few copies left. Keep in mind it is an older book with my older style of work..some straight 3D stuff but not a lot. Thanks again for the support!

Eric Lloyd Brown said...'s a link:

David Graham said...

older stuff, new stuff it all still has the easily identifiable smell of creativity and vision so i want to support. And I absolutely like your new stuff too! The dream is to one day do what you do for a living so I keep chugging along with my maya tutorials and sketches. I have seen a lot of artist's stuff but when i saw your work yesterday i said to myself, THIS is the shit i want to do!

Thanks for the link dude!

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

No problem, David. Thanks again for all your support and kind words. I checked your blog, great work yourself! Take care:)

Anonymous said...

The first are very cool "tool cars" (or robots), I like this idea.

Also the second picture, great design!

Eric Lloyd Brown said...

Thanks, greifenklaue. Your comments are very much appreciated:)